Shinjiro Sato, President and CEO Naoki Muto, Executive Officer Chief Accounting and Financial Officer (CAFO) PLAY LIST from the beginning Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2020 (FY2019) Despite the COVID-19 Impact, Highest-ever Revenue and Operating Profit FY19 Results in Comparison to the Original Guidance Adjusted Operating Profit Variance Analysis Revenue by Region Revenue by Business Segment Cardiac and Vascular: Double Digit Growth in Revenue and Profit Excluding FX General Hospital: Revenue and Profit in Line with the Guidance Blood and Cell Technologies: Exceeded the Guidance Excluding FX Impact FY19 Year-end Dividend Proposal: 14.0 JPY Major Topics in FY19 Q4 All Companies Contribute to COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment FY19 New Product Pipeline FY20 Annual Guidance The COVID-19 Framework of Cardiac and Vascular Procedures Limited COVID-19 Impact on GH and TBCT FY20 New Product Pipeline FY20 Liquidity and Cash Allocation Reference FY19 Revenue and Growth by Region Operating Expenses Quarterly Results Adjusted Operating Profit: Adjustments CAPEX and R&D Expenses Cash Flows Foreign Exchange Sensitivity The Status of Convertible Bonds @ COVID-19 Response and Mid- to Long-term Indications Basic Policy for COVID-19 Response Current Circumstance and Operating State Risk Management Strong Portfolio against COVID-19 Impact Maintained Financial Solidity for Sustainable Growth Our Progress to Strengthen Operations Mid- to Long-term Thought-provoking on COVID-19 Transformation Toward a New Normal The Terumo Purpose Is Even Clearer @ Back Next